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Tony Vierstra Photography


When I was a kid, I found it a miracle you could set things on fire with a magnifying glass. One day, when I was playing with a magnifying glass in a room, a mirrored image of the window in that room appeared on the wall. I was in awe, and I thought discovered something totally new. I like to think that this experience somehow spurred me to get interested in photography, besides the interest for ingeniously crafted mechanical and electronic devices. In my early twenties I started walkabouts with a camera on my neck, and ended up on an art academy.

Because of a "things" that happened in my life, creative photography ended up in the backseat, with a very occasional flash of inspiration. I did do some real estate photography however. Subconsciously, I think, creative photography never went away, this "program" in my mind kept running in the background. Some time ago I thought, "it is time to silence all excuses and do something with these wasted rescources". The results you find on this website.


Eye In The Sky - Tony Vierstra PhotographySkies Are Blue Three - Tony Vierstra PhotographySkies Are Blue Two - Tony Vierstra PhotographySky Spoon - Tony Vierstra Photography